How To Reprint JAMB EXAM Slip Online Portal 2024

How To Reprint JAMB EXAM Slip: Your Exam Slip Is Your Pass In Order To Be Able To Write Your JAMB Exam. Check Out How To Reprint Your JAMB Examination Slip Online. Reprint JAMB EXAM SlipReprint JAMB EXAM Slip:

Are you in need of information on how to reprint your JAMB slip? Then you have come to the right platform for this information. In this article, you would be able to find useful and reliable information on how you can easily print out your JAMB slip in preparation for your exam. I would advise that read this article carefully so as not to miss out on any detail.

How To Reprint JAMB Examination Slip

Reprinting your jamb examination slip is very important because it would give you information on where your examination is supposed to hold, the time as well instruction about the exam. Reprinting your JAMB slip is very easy, you can do it yourself if you have a PC and an internet connection. Here is how you can reprint your JAMB examination slip:

  • First, you would need to go to your browser and then go to the portal for JAMB examination slip https://slipsprinting.jamb.gov.ng/PrintExaminationSlip
  • Next, you need to input your reg number and then print examination slip
  • From here, you can check your examination date, venue as well as the center and then you can print out your examination slip
  • It may be impossible to print your examination slip from your phone. It is advisable that you use a PC.

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Reprinting JAMB Slip From JAMB Profile

You can also reprint your JAMB slip directly through your JAMB profile. In case the other method does not work for you, you can use this method to be able to print your JAMB examination slip easily. Here is how you can reprint your JAMB slip from JAMB profile:

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  • The first thing you need to do is visit JAMB portal jamb.gov.ng
  • Next, you need to go to the E-facility login and then input your registration and password
  • Once you have been able to login, click the “Print examination slip” so that you would be able to see and print your JAMB examination slip.
  • If you have any mistake on your JAMB slip, it is advisable to contact JAMB so that your details would be corrected.
  • If there is no mistake on your slip, you can go ahead to print the slip and then keep it safe for your exam day because you would be needing it for your exam.

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Reprinting Your JAMB Slip Without Email

You can still reprint your JAMB examination slip even if you do not have your email. So, if you no longer use the email you used for your JAMB registration, you can still use your registration number and phone number. Here is how you can reprint your JAMB slip without using your email address:

  • Open your browser on your PC
  • Go to the JAMB examination slip printing portal
  • Input your JAMB registration number or the phone number you used to register
  • Then click on “Print examination slip”
  • You can be able to check your examination date, your center as well as your venue

How To Check JAMB Result

Checking your JAMB result

is important after your exam, gone are the days when JAMB sends results to people. now, you need to check your result yourself. You can check your JAMB result with your phone number or online.

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1. How To Check JAMB Result On Phone

You can check your JAMB result on your phone through SMS. All you need to be able to do this is the phone number you used for registration. You just need to send “UTMERESULT” to 55019 or 66019.

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Your result would then be sent back to your line immediately.

2. How To Check JAMB Result Online

If you were not able to check your JAMB result through your phone number, you would be able to check the JAMB result online. All you need to do is go to the jamb website ad the log into your own account with your details.

When you do this, click on “Print result slip” then you would be able to make a payment with your payment method of your choice. Once you have been able to pay for this, you would need to provide your registration number as well as your examination year. Then you can print your result slip.

N.B: it is advisable to check your JAMB result on your phone number because it is cheaper.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Has JAMB Reprinting Started For 2023?

Yes, reprinting of JAMB slip has commenced

2. Can I Reprint My JAMB Slip With My Phone?

The truth is that you may not be able to print your jamb slip with your phone because your phone would not be able show the real view. If you do not have a PC, you can go to a café.

3. How Can I Check My JAMB Score 2023?

Checking you JAMB score for 2023 is very easy. All you need to do is send UTMERESULT to 55019 or 66019. You can only use this service if you use the phone number you used when registering for your exam.

4. How Much Is JAMB Reprinting 2023?

The price for reprinting JAMB slip is around 1000 NGN.

5. Has Anyone Ever Gotten 400 In JAMB?

No, no one has ever been able to score 400 in JAMB.

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