
100+ Deep Flirty And Dirty Questions To Ask A Guy

100+ Deep Flirty And Dirty Questions To Ask A Guy. Check Out The Best Depp Flirty And Dirty Questions You Can Ask A Guy In This Post. 

Dirty Questions To Ask A Guy

100+ Deep Flirty And Dirty Questions To Ask A Guy: Are you looking for questions you can ask a guy in a flirty setting? Then, you have come to the right platform for this information. In this article, we are going to look at different deep flirty and dirty questions to ask a guy whether you are having a house party or a get together. If you are interested in this, follow me as I take you through.

Deep Questions To Ask A Guy

  • What’s your idea of the perfect kiss?
  • Do you like constantly experimenting in the bedroom?
  • Besides me, who is your ideal girl?
  • What toys have you tried? What’s your favorite?
  • What’s your most embarrassing experience in the bedroom?
  • When you’re in the mood, what do you wear to bed?
  • If you could choose, on what part of my body would you like me to get a tattoo?
  • Have you ever taken part in an intimate experience with more than one person?
  • What outfit would get you in the mood?
  • Have you ever felt like doing it while on a video call?
  • Have you ever had a one-night stand?
  • If I was lying on your bed right now naked, what would you like to do to me?
  • What do you enjoy most about our love life?
  • What color underwear would you like me to wear next?
  • Have you ever been caught doing it on public transport?

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Naughty Questions To Ask A Guy

  • Describe your penis to me?
  • Do you like it when I speak dirty to you?
  • What dirty pictures would you like of me?
  • Do you like kissing with tongues or without?
  • Do you usually sleep naked?
  • What smells turn you on?
  • What does every first date need to involve?
  • Do you have a name for your private parts?
  • If not, can I name it?
  • Do you prefer to do it in the morning or evening?
  • Do you like being quiet in the sheets when someone is in the room next door?
  • Have you ever skinny-dipped in the sea?
  • Did you ever have a crush on someone in college?
  • How often do guys think dirty thoughts?
  • This year, would you be on the naughty or nice list?
  • Would you like me to use any toys on you? If so, what would they be?
  • How do you feel when a naughty scene comes on when watching a film with your parents?
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Short Flirty Questions To Ask A Guy

  • How many people have you done it with?
  • What is your favorite pet name?
  • Do you prefer long hair or short hair?
  • What is your least favorite pet name?
  • Can you roll your tongue?
  • What is your favorite drink?
  • Do you like being blindfolded?
  • Do you want kids?
  • What is your biggest turn-off?
  • What do you wear to bed?
  • Do you like to cuddle?
  • What are your thoughts on friends with benefits?
  • How do you let someone know you like them?
  • Would you ever go skinny dipping?
  • Have you ever had a sexual fantasy about one of your friends?
  • What is your type?
  • Are you a quickie or do you prefer to take your time?
  • What is your sign?
  • Do you like seeing the evidence? (Hickies, bite marks, bruises…)
  • What is the longest you’ve ever gone without it?
  • Do you normally make the first move, or do you wait for the other person?
  • How long can you go for?
  • Do you think friends can kiss without ruining their friendship?
  • What was the worst kiss you ever got and why?
  • Tongue or no tongue?
  • If you could vacation anywhere, where would you go?
  • Do you prefer to cook for your partner, or do you prefer to be cooked for?
  • Have you ever had a dirty thought about me?
  • Have you ever been to a strip club?
  • What are your thoughts on open relationships?
  • Would you ever participate in an adult film?
  • Are you flexible?
  • Do you work out?
  • Top or bottom?

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Sex Questions To Ask A Guy

  • What was your best orgasm ever?
  • Have you ever fantasized about someone else during sex?
  • What is something you have always wanted to ask me to try but assumed I wouldn’t like?
  • What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you during sex?
  • Is there an erotic movie scene that turns you on?
  • How often do you have sex?
  • What is your favorite time of day to have sex?
  • What is that thing you want more of in our sex life?
  • Where is the wildest place you have ever hooked up with someone before?
  • Do you still have feelings for an ex?

Flirty Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend

  • Do you like naughty talk?
  • Would you consider yourself romantic?
  • What do you believe is your best physical element, and why?
  • What do you believe is my best physical element, and why?
  • What gets you horny quicker, telephone sex or sexting?
  • What’s your idea of the perfect kiss?
  • What’s the craziest place you ever had sex?
  • Do you like being called hot?
  • Have you listened to this song? It’s so romantic. Perfect for a night-in.
  • What is your favorite part about dating?
  • What is one thing you will never say, “no” to
  • How would you need me right now?
  • Which sexy scene from a movie would you want to recreate with me?
  • What flavors do you get from my lips?
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Questions To Ask A Guy For Better Understanding

  • What is the strangest dream you’ve ever had?
  • What is the darkest thought you’ve ever had?
  • What would you consider to be your three deepest fears?
  • What do you spend most of your day doing?
  • Do you have a daily or nighttime routine?
  • What makes you feel uneasy or anxious?
  • Would you consider yourself a shy person?
  • Do you have a favorite book?
  • Do you remember a time in your life you felt most alive? Tell me about it.
  • What’s your biggest achievement so far?
  • What’s the kindest thing a stranger has ever done for you?
  • If you were given $20,000 dollars right now, what would you do with it?
  • What’s your definition of a perfect Sunday?
  • Would you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert (or both)?
  • Do you see yourself settling in another country?
  • Would you consider yourself a family-oriented person?
  • How do you start your day/week?
  • Do you have any hobbies?

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Random Questions To Ask A Guy

  • What is the kindest thing you have ever done?
  • What is the scariest thing you’ve ever done?
  • What’s your favorite childhood memory?
  • You can only choose one thing: fast forward the clock 10 years or rewind the clock 10 years?
  • Would you consider yourself romantic?
  • Do you prefer bars or clubs?
  • Are you a sports or books kinda guy?
  • Do you have siblings?
  • What’s the biggest risk you have ever taken?

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I Ask A Guy Dirty Questions In A Party?

Yes, it would make the party fun.

2. Can I Ask A Guy Flirty Questions At First Meeting?

It is not advisable but do whatever works for you.

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