
How To Check MTN Pulse Points | MTN *406# Plan Points

MTN Pulse Users Are Eligible To Earn Pulse Points Whenever They Recharge. Discover How To Check Your MTN Pulse Points As Well As How To Convert It To Data Plans Or Airtime. How To Check MTN Pulse PointsHow To Check MTN Pulse Points:

One of the best telecommunications we have in Nigeria currently has to be MTN, MTN has been on this spot for a long time and has continued to make it easier to communicate with your friends and loved ones. Apart from the fact that MTN has maintained a very reliable internet connection and affordable data plan, it also rewards it customers with points.

MTN points can however only be gotten when you recharge your line or buy data. These points can later be converted into airtime or data, which ever one you like. Want to find out how you can easily convert your MTN points to airtime or data? Then you have come to the right platform for this information. In this article, you are going to get valid and reliable information on how to convert your MTN pulse points as well as how to check MTN pulse points. I would advise you read all information provided here carefully.

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Speaking about MTN pulse points, it would interest you to note that only those on the MTN pulse plan would be eligible to get the MTN pulse points reward so…. If you have not yet migrated to MTN pulse points and you wish to earn points, it is advisable that you do so now.

MTN points are rewards which MTN pulse users get whenever they perform certain activities on their phone. You can save these pulse points and then convert them to data or airtime when it is sufficient to. The more data you buy or the more you recharge, the more points you earn so if you have not been using this opportunity, it is very important that you do so.

You have the opportunity to select either daily, weekly or monthly bundles from the data plan (this is only if you want to convert your points to data). However, if you wish to convert to airtime, you can get as much airtime you want as long as your pulse balance is enough.

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How To Check MTN Pulse Points On Mobile Device

Before you would be able to redeem or convert your pulse points, it is important you check your pulse balance. Failure to do this may leave you in shock if your pulse balance cannot get the data plan or airtime you want. Many people do not know how to check their pulse balance but it is very easy. You can choose to check your point balance on mobile device in two ways which are:

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1. How To Check MTN Pulse Points On Mobile Device Through Code

One of the ways to check your points on your phone is using code. This happens to be the fastest means. All you need to do is dial *312# on your phone then you would get a message of your MTN point balance. Yes! It is that easy.

2. How To Check MTN Pulse Points On Mobile Device Through MTN App

Another way you can check your MTN pulse points on your phone is through the MTN app. If you are using this method, you would need an internet connection. If you do not have the app, you would need to download and register the app first. Once you have been able to login, you need to go to the “MTN Points” section, your point balance would immediately be displayed on your screen.

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How To Check MTN Pulse Points Via MTN Website

Many people wonder if it is possible to check MTN pulse balance through website, the simple answer to this is No, there is no feature on MTN website yet that allows you check your point balance through the website. You can check your point balance through the MTN app or USSD code.

How To Redeem MTN Pulse Points

It is also very easy to redeem your MTN pulse points, in fact, it is one of the best feelings in the world especially when you do not have enough cash to be able to purchase data and airtime. You can easily convert your points to either data or airtime. Let us examine the ways to redeem your MTN Pulse points:

1. How To Convert Your MTN Points To Airtime

If you want to convert your MTN pulse points to airtime, you need to dial *406# and then a menu would come up, pick the “pulse points” from the menu that has just come up, next, pick “redeem point” and then select airtime from the options. You would also need to enter the amount of airtime you want to redeem as long as you have enough point balance, once you have done this, click on confirm transactions. Yes, its that easy!

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2. How To Convert Your MTN Points To Data

To convert your MTN points to data is also very similar to converting it to airtime. you need to dial *406# and then a menu would come up, pick the “pulse points” from the menu that has just come up, next, pick “redeem point” and then select data plans from the options.

You would also need to enter the bundle you wish you buy, you may choose either daily, weekly on monthly, depending on what your point balance can buy once you have done this, click on confirm transactions.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How Do I Convert MTN Pulse Points To Airtime?

Converting your MTN Pulse points to airtime is very easy. All you have to do is dial *406# on your mtn line, then select pulse points from the menu, pick the “redeem point” option and then select airtime from the choice of options, you would also need to enter the amount of the airtime you want to convert your points to. Be sure that it does not exceed your point balance and then confirm your transaction. Your point balance will then be immediately converted to airtime for you to call your family and friends.

2. What Is The Dialing Code For MTN Point?

The dialing code to check your MTN Point balance is *312#

3. Can I Use My App To Check MTN Point Balance?

Yes, you can use your MTN mobile app to access your point balance

4. Can All MTN Users Convert Their Points?

No, unfortunately, the point reward is not available to every mtn user, you need to check if you are eligible to earn points before you think of converting your points.

5. How To Buy Night Plan With MTN Points?

You can buy night plan with your MTN points, you just need to select the data option when you are trying to convert it and then pick the plan you want as long as you have enough points to support it.

6. Can My Points Expire?

Yes of course, MTN points do expire. Usually, they expire at the end of every year.

7. Can I Use My MTN Points If I’m Owing Airtime?

Yes, you are use it even if you have borrowed and you are yet to pay.

8. How Much Is 1 Pulse Point?

One pulse point is equal to one naira.


MTN pulse points is a great way to reach out to your family and friends without having to pay extra money. Remember, the more point balance you have, the higher the data or airtime you can redeem. It is advisable to save up the MTN pulse points over a while so it can be used to purchase a substantial amount of data or airtime.

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