
Top 10 Advantages Of Girl Child Education

Top 10 Advantages Of Girl Child Education (Importance Of Girl Child Education). Discover The Truth About Girl Child Education When You Read This Post. Advantages Of Girl Child EducationTop 10 Advantages Of Girl Child Education

: Education is one of the most powerful instruments with which one can change the world. Imagine what the world would be like without education? I’m sure you cannot imagine, of course it would be chaotic. In this article, you are going to see why girl child education is very important regardless of the country or nation. Allow me take you through this piece while you listen with rapt attention. Let’s go!

What Is Girl Child Education?

Girl child education refers to the aspect of education that aims at developing the skill as well as knowledge of girls and women from all castes, races and backgrounds.

The girl child education is not just limited to basic education alone. It cuts across education at all levels of schools.

Top 10 Advantages Of Girl Child Education (Importance Of Girl Child Education)

There are so many advantages of girl child education that we cannot mention in this article alone. However, here are some of the few most important ones:

1. Improved Literacy

One of the importance of girl child education is the fact that it improves literacy. One of the enemies of progress in life is illiteracy. When the girl child is exposed to education, it makes them become relevant and productive in the society.

Overall, if you want to get quick development in a place, organization or nation, the people that surrounds the environment must be well educated. This is to say, girl child education provides for quicker, smoother development of a nation.

2. Human Trafficking

One other important advantages of girl child education you need to know is that it reduces human trafficking. Women can be naïve especially when they are uneducated and poor. Many women have fallen into the traps of human traffickers simply because they are promised a better life or little money. When women are educated, they would be very aware and knowledgeable of falling in the hands of these evil people.

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3. Improved Political Representation

Next on our list, we have improved political representation. In the past, women were not allowed to participate in politics in some parts of the world. However, in recent times, as technology is advancing, more women have been given the opportunity to be educated, notice how this has improved political representation of women all over the world.

This in turn can be shown as a form of gender equality in politics therefore, Improved political representation is an advantage of girl child education.

4. Improved Safe Sex

Another importance of girl child education is improved safe sex. Many women have practiced unsafe sex over the years because of their lack of knowledge. Girl child education also involves sex education which would help them understand how to practice safe sex in other to reduce the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.

5. Reduces The Rate Of Unwanted Pregnancies

Next on our list, girl child education helps in reducing the rate of unwanted pregnancies. Many young girls have had their dreams cut short when they are put in a family way at an early stage, I have mentioned before that gild child education also includes sex education, apart from reducing the rate of sexually transmitted diseases, it would help them understand that unwanted pregnancies can cause a lot of mental and physical damage to minors.

6. Eliminates Child Marriage

Another importance of girl child education is that it eliminates child marriage. Many young ladies engage or are forced into child marriage. This can destroy the dreams of the young girl and it is not also healthy. When girl children are exposed to education, it helps them reject child marriage.

7. Improves Family Economy

Another importance of girl child education is that it improves the economy of the family. In simple terms, when a girl child is given proper education, it makes her understand how to be able to run a family more efficiently and better.

8. Poverty Reduction

Poverty is one of the biggest problems in many parts of the world. Giving the girl child an opportunity to be educated sets her on the right part to able to do something creative and innovative to earn a living, thereby, reducing the rate of poverty.

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9. Promotes Gender Equality

Another importance of girl child education is promoting gender equality. The famous quote “What a man can do, a woman can also do” comes into play here. Girl child education gives the girl child an opportunity to serve, be seen and be heard.

10. Better Job Opportunities

Lastly on our list, we have better job opportunities. Girl child education can create better job opportunities for women that would help them earn a living to become useful to themselves and the society in the future.

Challenges Of Girl Child Education

As attractive as the girl child education could look like, there are still some limitations. Some of them have been highlighted below:

  1. Girl child education maybe be impossible in extremely poor areas where fees cannot be afforded
  2. Some religions forbid the girl child from getting education. Yes! They still exist.
  3. Girl Children are known to take care of the house when it comes to cooking and house chores. Extreme house chores can affect the quality of girl child education
  4. Some areas of the world are experiencing conflict and crises, this can limit the amount of people that attend school during the period.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why Is Gender Education Important?

The importance of gender education can be linked to reducing the risk of gender-based violence while promoting gender equality in other areas of life.

2. What Are The Benefits Of Gender Equality?

The benefits of gender equality are numerous however, to name few, it helps in improving the economy, it also helps in preventing violence against a particular gender, it makes our communities in a better state.

3. What Are The Benefits Of Female Empowerment?

Female empowerment helps women contribute their skills to the workforce.

4. What Are The Benefits Of Female Leadership?

Female leadership helps in improving productivity of women.

5. Why Is It Important To Have Female Representation?

Female representation changes gender stereotypes by giving female role models.

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