
World Education Ranking List By Country

Education is Targeted At Increasing Knowledge, Take The First Step To Getting The Best kind Of Formal Education When You Check The World Education Ranking. 

World Education Ranking List By Country

World Education Ranking List By Country: Are you searching for information on world education ranking? then, you have made it to the right place for this information. Education is the future as well as the best tool to change the world. this is why a lot of individuals are investing daily in education. To help you secure the best kind of education, i have put this article together for you which contains the world education ranking list. Keep reading this article to find out more interesting things.

What Is Education?

Education in simple terms is the transmission of knowledge, skills as well as character traits from one generation to another. Although there are three types of education which are: formal, informal and semi formal. For the sake of this article, we would be looking at the formal education.

World Education Ranking List By Country 2023

  1. Africa
  • University of Cape Town – South Africa
  • University of the Witwatersrand – South Africa
  • Stellenbosch University – South Africa
  • University of Cape Coast – Ghana
  • University of KwaZulu-Natal – South Africa
  1. Asia
  • Tsinghua University -China
  • National University of Singapore, Singapore
  • The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology – Hong Kong
  • Peking University – China
  • The University of Tokyo – Japan
  1. Caribbean
  • University of the West Indies – Jamaica
  • Universidad de Puerto Rico – Puerto Rico
  • University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez – Puerto Rico
  • Universidad de la Habana – Cuba
  • University of Puerto Rico Rio Piedras – Puerto Rico
  1. Central America
  • Universidad de Costa Rica – Costa Rica
  • Tecnológico de Costa Rica -TEC – Costa Rica
  • Universidad Nacional- Costa Rica
  • Universidad Latinoamericana de Ciencia y Tecnologia, Costa Rica
  • Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá
  1. Europe
  • University of Oxford, UK
  • University of Cambridge, UK
  • Imperial College London, UK
  • UCL (University College London), UK
  • ETH Zurich – Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland
  1. Oceania
  • The University of Melbourne – Australia
  • The University of Sydney – Australia
  • The University of Queensland – Australia
  • Monash University – Australia
  • The Australian National University – Australia
  1. North America
  • Harvard University, USA
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA
  • Stanford University, USA
  • California Institute of Technology (Caltech), USA
  • University of California, Berkeley, USA
  1. South America
  • Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo – Brazil
  • Universidade Estadual de Campinas – Brazil
  • Pontificia Universidad Catoilca de Chile
  • Universidad de Buenos Aires – Argentina
  • University of Desarrollo – Chile

See Also: Top 30 Countries With The Best Education System In The World

Top Universities In The World: World Education Ranking List By Country

Top Universities in the World
Rank   University   Location 
1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) United States
2 University of Cambridge United Kingdom
3 University of Oxford United Kingdom
4 Harvard University  United States
5 Stanford University United States
6 Imperial College London United Kingdom
7 ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) Switzerland
8 National University of Singapore (NUS) Singapore
9 UCL (University College London) United Kingdom
10 University of California, Berkeley (UCB) United States
11 University of Chicago United States
12 University of Pennsylvania United States
13 Cornell University  United States
14 University of Melbourne Australia
15 California Institute of Technology (Caltech) United States
16 Yale University United States
=17 Peking University Mainland China
=17 Princeton University United States
=19 University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney) Australia
=19 University of Sydney Australia
21 University of Toronto Canada
22 University of Edinburgh


United Kingdom
23 Columbia University United States
24 Universite PSL France
25 Tsinghua University


Mainland China
=26 Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU) Singapore
=26 University of Hong Kong (UKU) Hong Kong SAR
28 Johns Hopkins University United States
28 University of Tokyo Japan
29 University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) United States
30 McGill University Canada
32 University of Manchester United Kingdom
33 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor United States
=34 Australian National University Australia
=34 University of British Columbia Canada
36 Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) Switzerland
37 Technical University of Munich Germany
=38 Institut Polytechnique de Paris France
=38 New York University (NYU) United States
40 King’s College London United Kingdom
41 Seoul National University South Korea
42 Monash University Australia
43 University of Queensland Australia
=44 Zhejiang University Mainland China
45 London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) United Kingdom
46 Kyoto University Japan
=47 Delft University of Technology Netherlands
=47 Northwestern University United States
=47 Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Hong Kong SAR
50 Fudan University Mainland China
51 Shanghai Jiao Tong University Mainland China
52 Carnegie Mellon University United States
53 University of Amsterdam Netherlands
54 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Germany
55 University of Bristol United Kingdom
56 KAIST – Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology South Korea
57 Duke University United States
58 University of Texas at Austin United States
59 Sorbonne University France
60 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) Hong Kong SAR
61 KU Leuven Belgium
62 University of California, San Diego (UCSD) United States
63 University of Washington United States
64 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign United States
=65 Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong SAR
=65 Universiti Malaya (UM)  Malaysia
67 University of Warwick United Kingdom
68 University of Auckland New Zealand
69 National Taiwan University (NTU) Taiwan
70 City University of Hong Kong Hong Kong SAR
71 Universite Paris-Saclay France
72 University of Western Australia Australia
=73 Brown University United States
=73 KTH Royal Institute of Technology Sweden
75 University of Leeds United Kingdom
=76 University of Glasgow United Kingdom
=76 Yonsei University South Korea
78 Durham University United Kingdom
79 Korea University South Korea
80 Osaka University Japan
=81 Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin Ireland
=81 University of Southampton United Kingdom
83 Pennsylvania State University United States
84 University of Birmingham United Kingdom
=85 Lund University  Sweden
=85 Universidade de São Paulo Brazil
=87 Lomonosov Moscow State University Russia
=87 Universität Heidelberg Germany
89 The University of Adelaide Australia
90 University of Technology Sydney Australia
=91  Tokyo Institute of Technology  Japan
=91 University of Zurich Switzerland
=93 Boston University United States
=93 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) Mexico
=95 Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) Argentina
=95 University of St Andrews United Kingdom
97 Georgia Institute of Technology United States
98 Freie Universitaet Berlin Germany
99 Purdue University United States
=100 Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) South Korea
=100 University of Nottingham United Kingdom

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What Country Tops The List In Education?

Usually, Graduation, total enrollment, as well as literacy rates determine the overall education ranking. Germany ranks first in education with 99% literacy and a 0.94 ranking.

  1. What Country Ranks Last In Education?

Niger ranks last in established educational systems with a 28.7% adult literacy rank.

  1. Which Is The Hardest Education System In The World?

The countries that have the hardest and most difficult education systems in the world are the following: South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Finland.

  1. Which Country Has The Best Schools?

The United States.

  1. Which Country Has The Best Education System In Africa?



This article covers the world education ranking list. Did your country make it to the list of countries with the best educational system? let us know in the comment section down below.


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