
What Was The First Religion: See Top 10 Oldest Religions In The World

Religion Is The Opium Of The People. Find Out Some Of The Oldest Religions We Have In The World And Their Population. 

What Was The First Religion

What Was The First Religion: Most people have one thing or the other they believe in. These beliefs are mostly rooted in what we call religion. So, apart from people that do not believe in God, everybody has a religion. Have you ever wondered what religion emerged the first amongst the numerous available in today’s world? Do you want to find out what was the first religion? Then, you have come to the right platform for this information. In this article, we are going to explore the oldest religions we have in the world. If you are interested in this, then keep reading!

There are several religions that have existed and are still existing, before we go further in this article, I want you to take a guess on the religion you think is the oldest. Let us find out if your guess is true or not!

What Was The First Religion

One important question to as is “what was the first religion”. The first religion known to have existed is Hinduism. People that follow Hinduism are called Hindus. They believe that there are several forms of gods but they have a god that they all worship. As we go deeper in this article, you are going to find more on the oldest religions in the world and their current population around the world.

Top 10 Oldest Religions In The World

1. Hinduism


Hinduism is known to be the oldest religion we have in the world. This religion has scriptural texts that dates back to 3,000 years, it also began around 1,500 BC. It is important to note that this religion does not have a formal founder or even a single book where holy inspiration is gotten from. The population of people that practice Hinduism In the world is about 1 billion people. It is a very common religion around the Asian part of the world.

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2. Zoroastrianism


Next on our list, we have Zoroastrianism. This religion also appears to be one of the oldest we have in the world. It is a pre-Islamic religion that was founded in Persia which is the modern-day Iran. Although, it appears not to be well known in diverse areas of the world, it is mostly followed Parsis. The population of people that practice Zoroastrianism is about 200,000.

3. Judaism


Judaism is also one of the oldest religions in the world. This happens to be the religion where the Abrahamic foundations are built. Judaism began around2,085 BC and it was based solely on the teachings of Moses and the 10 commandments given to him by God. This religion also has connections with Christianity because the Christ was a Jew and his followers are referred to as Christians. It is very popular in Israel and the population of people that practice Judaism is about 11-14 million.

4. Jainism


Next on our list, we have Jainism which is also one of the oldest religions in the world. This religion started in India and it remains a very popular one there, it is a transthetic religion and the population of people that practice Jainism is about 6-7 million.

5. Confucianism


Another religion that happens to be one of the oldest in the world is Confucianism. In fact, this religion is known to have been available for more than 2,500 years. This religion was introduced by Confucius who claimed that his teachings came directly from Heaven. It started in China and it remains one of the most respected religions there. The population of people that practice Confucianism is about 6 million people.

6. Buddhism


Next on our list of oldest religions in the world, we have Buddhism. Apart from this religion being one of the oldest, it is also one of the largest and it has its roots in India and it known to have been available for over 2,500 years. The population of people that practice Buddhism is about 400 million people.

7. Taoism


Taoism is also one of the oldest religions we have in the world. This religion is based on the belief that humans and animals should live in balance with Tao which is the universe. It has its roots in China and the population of people that practice Taoism is about 12 million.

8. Shintoism


Next on our list of oldest religions in the world, we have Shintoism. This religion has its roots in Japan as it is an ancient religion. The population of people that practice Shintoism is about 5 million people.

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9. Christianity


Christianity is also one of the oldest religions in the world. It is an Abrahamic monothetic religion which is mostly based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. This religion also happens to be the largest religion in the world. Followers of Christ are guided by the Bible. The population of people that practice Christianity is about 2.4 billion.

10. Islam


Lastly on our list of oldest religions in the world, we have Islam. This religion is also an Abrahamic monotheistic religion that centers on the Quran. People that follow this religion are guided by the Quran and live practically by the teachings of the prophet Mohammed. Islam is the largest religion in the world after Christianity. The population of people that practice Islam is about 1.9 billion.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which Is The First Oldest Religion In The World?

Hinduism is the first and the oldest religion in the world.

2. What Was The First Religion In The Bible?

The first religion mentioned in the Bible is Judaism.

3. How Old Is Islam?

Islam began in the 7th century.

4. Is The Quran Older Than The Bible?

No, the Bible existed before the Quran.

5. What Religion Was Jesus?

Jesus was a Jew.

6. What Is The Youngest Religion?

Among the major religions we have in the world, the youngest religion we have is Sikhism.


We have been able to look at some of the oldest religions we have in the world. We have also stated that the oldest religion is Hinduism while the largest religion in the world now is Christianity. I really hope this article was able to answer all the interesting questions you have had about the oldest religions in the world. Many people think these religions however worship the same God. Do you think so too? Please let us know in the comment section down below.

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